Monday, January 14, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Well, I didn’t make good on my promise. It has been almost a month since I have posted an update. I have a lot of good excuses, but I won’t go to the trouble of listing them. I pray that you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. This Christmas was unique for Justin and I in a lot of ways. For starters, it was Abigail’s first Christmas. As followers of Christ, Christmas is such a special holiday for us. We were so excited to share it with our little girl. Even though she is too young to understand, we still took every opportunity to explain to Abigail what Christmas is about and why we celebrate it the way we do. On Christmas Day, she indulged us by pulling the wrapping paper to help us “unwrap” her gifts. (I think she was more interested in the wrapping paper and bows than she was the gift. But, whatever brings her joy, right.) She didn’t partake of the traditional turkey and dressing with the rest of us, but she did enjoy a bowl of rice cereal. (It’s tough being a baby, isn’t it?) By the end of the day, she was exhausted. But, oh what fun we had. Secondly, Justin, Abigail and I celebrated our first Christmas in North Carolina. Typically, we travel to Tennessee for the holidays, but Justin was unable to get off work. As a result, my parents came to North Carolina to spend Christmas with us. We enjoyed all of our usual holiday traditions in a slightly smaller space. Christmas morning began with coffee and cinnamon rolls. Next, we opened gifts. And finally, we shared a delicious Christmas dinner. In the past, we would end the day with a trip to the movie theatre to catch the latest flick. Obviously that didn’t happen this year. Could you imagine a five month old at the movies after a day full of wrapping paper, bows and toys? To share in the festivities, my Nana joined us for the afternoon, and our landlords, Indrek and Barbara stopped by for dessert. It was a day filled with family and friends as we celebrated the birth of our Savior.

On New Years Eve Justin, Abigail and I left for a tour of West Tennessee. In 11 days we visited Asheville, NC, Crocket Mills, Eads, Jackson and Knoxville, TN. I am tired just thinking about it. It was a whirlwind, but so worth it. We were able to see all of our immediate family, almost all of our extended family, our pastor (Bro. Danny) and our friends Daniel and Katie Banks. Now we are back and settling back into everyday life.

What new with us? Well…

As I mentioned before, Abigail has started eating solid food. It’s not really “solid” if you ask me. Her cereal pours right off of the spoon. But, she loves it! She found her feet, and they are her new best friends. When given the opportunity, she proudly shows them off. With her new found foot fetish, she is now sitting up. Well, almost sitting up. In effort to reach her feet she figured out how to brace herself in a sitting position. I say “almost” because if she leans a little too far in any direction…down she goes. She has also learned to say “dada.” It comes out sounding more like “dadadadadadadadada,” but to us it’s all the same. Her growth continues to amaze us. The last time we checked (which was about three weeks ago) she was 19.2 pounds and 28 ¼ inches long. Praise the Lord!

Justin will start is final semester of seminary at the end of January. Until then, he is enjoying some much needed down time.

I am trying to get the house back in order after being gone for two weeks while also trying to get Abigail back in a routine.

1 comment:

Hollie Carson said...

Sounds like a blast! The active baby fun has begun! You won't believe how incredibly fun and active Abigail will be. I can't wait to watch her grow!We missed ya'll!